One thing that makes all the hard work of writing, editing, revising, and submitting my stories is when I hear excitement from readers I meet. At the recent CCIRA conference, I met a wonderful book seller from Bookies/The Book Bar, Marilyn, who recognized my title with excitement. She had just begun reading The Netahs. She admitted it was on the long-list for the Reading the West award for Young Adult fiction. I had not yet heard that it had made the list. She thoughtfully emailed me the link with the announcement. I don’t think my feet touched the ground for the rest of that conference. Thank you, Marilyn!
I also had the pleasure of meeting the young woman at Next Page books in Frisco, CO who is reading my book for the same reason. She also recognized the title, as it had just arrived and was on her nightstand. Curious? Check out their list of nominees at: