While Lisa worked as a substitute teacher, she also honed her own writing skills in grad school. A conversation with a 2nd grade teacher about how to get students to edit their stories led to a writing program she designed for those kids as well as for the rest of their school. Before you knew it there was enough material for her book, Literary Ideas and Scripts for Young Playwrights.
Nowadays, when she's not hiking or skiing in Colorado, she's marketing her YA fantasy novel, The Netahs, Into the Wilderness, or selling book 2, or writing book 3! They are all set in Colorado, about an ancient society that can transform from animals to humans. Josh, is a halfling who must learn how to transform before he can live among the Netahs. The alternative is unthinkable. The title word "Netahs" is based on a word, Netaheva'o'tse, which means to be different in the Cheyenne language. Find more words in their online dictionary published at cdkc.edu/cheyennedictionary Member SCBWI Education: University of Denver Masters Degree in Creative Writing Send me an email; I'd love to hear from you! |