The Birthday Bash location has been moved from the Second Star to the Right bookstore to the Platt Park Church at 1601 S. Clarkston Street in Denver. You will need to register to attend, whether in person or virtually. Go to this eventbrite link to register: scbwi-book-birthday-bash-tickets-193689298907. I will be on a panel with fellow sci fi/fantasy writers from 1-2 pm Denver time. Be sure to tune in for the Q&A session! See you there fans and family!
It’s time to pick your favorite character, superhero, animal, Dia de los Muertos makeup, or meme and make your costume.
I always liked making the costumes, and love how they transform your outlook, if you have an imagination. I’ll never forget watching my five-year old running down the driveway in his superman pajamas complete with cape, arms stiff in front of him, as he went to pick up the morning paper. He was superman for that moment for sure. His superpower was imagination. I imagine that my Netah characters might also have superpowers, but what? One thing is they have enhanced senses that match their animal. An elk is an endurance runner, big, strong, and they can smell food through the snow. His sight is especially keen when it comes to seeing sudden movement, like a pouncing mountain lion. What superpower would you want, and what animal would give you that? Just so you know, I will be at the table from 1-2 pm, and that's Saturday, November 13.
I will be appearing at the Second Start to the Right bookstore, during their Birthday Bash, on November 13, 2021. It's a celebration of all local books born in 2021. Here's your chance to come ask me questions about my story, my inspiration, my next book! Can't wait to see you. |